Mary is a art therapist in British Columbia, Canada. She was looking for some help with a small matter legal issue, and she asked if Veeto could help.
This is a frequently asked question (i.e. whether Veeto handles cases in Canada). So, here, we will recount our exchange with Mary, for anyone else who may be wondering the same thing.
Do you work with Canadian customers or just USA? --Mary
Most legal issues Canadians face nowadays are "small matters"
The most common kind of legal problem people face nowadays is a small matter legal problem. This is the kind of problem in which the stakes are high enough to warrant attention to resolution, but often not high enough to justify the fees typically charged under the traditional law firm model. We're all familiar with these kinds of legal problems, both as individual consumers and as professionals (or as businesses).
So, it is no suprise that small matter legal problems exist all over the world, including in Canada.
Veeto hyperspecializes in small matter legal issues
Veeto is known for hyperspecializing in certain small matter legal problems (we call these "use cases"), and when someone encounters one of those legal problems outside of the US, he/she might first want to know whether Veeto can help. (Example: see Mary's question above.)

The good news (for people like Mary) is that Veeto can handle non-US cases as well. In fact, about 40% of the cases Veeto handles are non-US.
With regard to Mary's specific question about cases in Canada, Mary would also be pleased to know that Canada is typically Veeto's second largest non-US market. So,...
Yes, Mary, Veeto can help with a small mattter case in Canada.
Have a case in Canada you wish to veeto?
Veeto would be happy to help. You can book your micro-consultation now. 🙌